Mehrdad Vahabi, Maître de Conférences-HDR à l’Université de Paris VIII et chercheur du réseau de la Chaire Économie de Défense participera aux prochains :
« Entretiens armement et sécurité » 2016
Organisés par l’Association des auditeurs et cadres des hautes études de l’armement (AACHEAr) en partenariat avec l’IHEDN, le jeudi 7 avril prochain, à l’École Militaire.
Ces entretiens seront l’occasion privilégiée d’ouvrir le débat autour des thèmes de réflexion “Défense, armements et nouveaux rapports de puissance”.
Les débats s’organiseront autour de trois tables rondes :
- L’évolution des rapports de puissance
- Techniques et armement : nouveaux défis
- Les armes de la sécurité face au terrorisme islamiste
Plus d’informations et inscription à venir sur le site
Merhdad Vahabi vient de publier un livre chez Cambridge University Press :
The Political Economy of Predation, Manhunting and the Economics of Escape
- Still in early stages of development, conflict theory presents a growing interest in understanding the economic costs and benefits of conflicts. In this book, Mehrdad Vahabi analyses one type of conflict in particular: manhunting, or predation, in which a dominant power hunts down its prey and the goal of the prey is to escape and thus survive. This contrasts with traditional warfare, in which two (or more) powers enter into a conflict and the goal is to fight to win domination. The economics of escape casts light on costs and benefits of predatory activities, and explores the impact of violence as an impediment to developing countries with respect to assets structure. This book is unprecedented in its research and thought and develops a new theory of predation in economics that makes a significant contribution to the field.
- Analyses conflict theory through one particular type of conflict: manhunting, or predation
- Documents the empirical details of manhunting, the US invasion of Iraq, drone military strikes, and the political economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Proposes a theoretical framework that applies to many economic and political facts
1. Introduction
2. The meaning of predation
3. Domination, manhunting and conflictual costs and benefits
4. Rational conflict theory, paradox of war and strategic manhunting
5. Appropriation, violent enforcement and transaction costs
6. Appropriation, the state space and the economics of escape
7. Predatory nature of the state and democracy