Séminaire de recherche à l’ESSEC :
Steffen Jorgensen
“Recent Developments on Lanchester Differential Games”
Abstract: Lanchester games have their origin in the work of F.W. Lanchester (F.W. Lanchester: Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm. Constable, London, UK, 1916) who used ordinary differential equations to study stylized problems of military combat. Later on, one of Lanchester’s models has been used – quite successfully – to describe the effects of advertising competition in oligopolistic markets. A stream of literature in the field of advertising has used this model as a component of a dynamic game. I introduce a couple of Lanchester’s models and a simple dynamic advertising game model. The advertising game has been extended in various directions, for example, to take into account market growth/contraction and multiple types of advertising efforts. Such extensions are discussed. I present two examples of my own current research in the area and conclude by suggesting some avenues for future research.
Le lundi 6 octobre 2014, de 12h à 13h