Call for papers: 17th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, University of Antwerp, 26th – 28th JUNE 2017

The 17th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, annual meeting of NEPS, will be held on 26th-28th June 2017 at the University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, Antwerpen, Belgium .

PhD students are eligible for the Stuart A. Bremer Award. Eligible papers cannot be co-authored with a senior researcher. The winner is rewarded with a bursary to attend the conference of the Peace Science Society (International). If you are a PhD student, please mention your status. List of previous winners is available here.

Those who are interested in participating should submit their proposal including abstract, title, author’s name(s), affiliation(s) to the following address:
All abstracts (150-250 words) with a tentative title must be submitted by 30th January 2017.

Conference fees are: 90 euros for senior researchers (NEPS members), 120 euros for senior researchers (non-members), 50 euros for PhD students (NEPS members), 60 euros for PhD students (non-members).


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