Julien Malizard : Military expenditure and economic growth in the European Union: Evidence from SIPRI’s extended dataset

L’article de Julien Malizard sur les dépenses militaires et la croissance économique européenne vient de paraître dans The Economics of Peace & Security Journal.

Abstract: The aim of this article is to shed light on the fiscal consequences of economic growth in the EU15 countries by disentangling military and civilian government expenditure. Given the newly available extended dataset on military expenditure provided by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), a comparison can be made to older SIPRI data. Using growth theory and panel data analysis, the results show that public spending is growth detrimental and military expenditure is less harmful than nonmilitary, civilian spending. The new data offer a richer pattern of results.

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Article précédentCALL FOR ABSTRACTS/PAPERS 21st Annual Conference on Economics and Security June 2017, Brussels
Article suivantCall for papers: 17th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, University of Antwerp, 26th – 28th JUNE 2017