The European military helicopter industry: Trends and perspectives

Nouvelle publication de Josselin Droff dans la revue The Economics of Peace & Security Journal, vol 12, No 1 (2017).

The European military helicopter industry: Trends and perspectives

Written by Josselin Droff, 2017
Raphael Olivier / CAPA Pictures / Safran


This article discusses the European military helicopter market. It first recalls historical antecedents in the structural development of the main helicopter programs that helped to consolidate the industry and then reviews the industry’s current major trends. A paradoxical situation is identified: While European countries presently are able to cope with both, the growing needs in helicopter capabilities and the maintenance of ageing fleets, no large helicopter programs for the future have been launched. Some uncertainties regarding how future helicopter procurement will be organized are identified. The current situation underlines the challenges that European states will face to maintain both industrial skills in the industry and sovereignty in military helicopter capabilities. A number of industry options are discussed: more exports, more cooperation, more dual use, and more reliance on support and service sales.
The Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ), a publication of Economists for Peace and Security (EPS). Issues are published in April and October.The Economics of Peace and Security Journal (EPSJ) was launched in January 2006 as an activity of Economists for Peace and Security, United Kingdom (EPS-UK). Initially, EPSJ published twice a year, in January and July. In 2013/14, management of the journal was transferred to EPS-USA, the design of the journal was modernized, and website features upgraded. Since 2013, EPSJ is published in April and October. In honor of our U.K. colleagues, we still keep the *.uk domain extension. In 2016/17, we moved the journal to a more secure web server environment. Email:
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